Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Rhonda the Honda DIED!

YES, Rhonda MY Honda died on my second day of WORK. I got in the car at 7:30 this morning to be there at 8:00 and my car wouldn't start! We had bought a battery pack jumper thingy before we left on our extensive road trip, so I put attempted to hook it up, but doubted myself that I had it hooked up right. I called Drew...NO answer, my Dad....No answer, my Granddaddy...He ANSWERED! He said I had it hooked up right...so I tried jumping my Rhonda. No avail......Oh noooooooooooooo......oh yeah it is not charged, well that is a problem.....what do I do????...I have to be at my second day of work in 20 minutes................
Our battery pack charger thingy that wasn't charged this AM when I needed it!! And believe me I had charged it....FAIL!

My neighbor Daniel, his car was still parked outside of his house... So I knocked on the door and he was still there and had  jumper cables!! Ok let's try that.... Didn't work and didn't work and now what>>>> I have to be there in 10 minutes.
I called HR and let them know that I will probably be late for my second day of work, which is hospital orientation.

Daniel then offered if he could take me to work....YES....AWESOME>>>>BEST NEIGHBOR EVERY!!!!!!!!!

So off we went and I technically wasn't late due to there policy of 7 minutes before and 7 minutes after  the designated time to be there. I clocked in at 8:06!!

Drew picked me up when work was over and he is currently working hard to replace the starter, which is thought to be the reason for this whole ordeal. 

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