Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Eighth leg- We got Lemons, but that Makes the Lemonade Taste so Sweet

Drew and I feel very lucky and yes, blessed. He has 48 days off work. As for me, it has been 47 days and counting since I worked in Labor and Delivery. I do miss the girls that I worked with.  I am not trying to brag, but at the same time, I make no apologies.  We have sacrificed. Drew was done 4 tours overseas, plus months and months of training away from home. It has been so nice being together. Honestly, I was a concerned that it would be too much time together. You know what I mean, love ya Hun, but I need some space. So far it hasn't been like that.... now it still could and probably will be like that.  At this time, we are so enjoying each other and are relaxed. The last 12 months, have been so hard and draining. Drew had the worst deployment he has experienced last summer. He told me while in Afghanistan, " I just want to do nothing and mellow out." Well, Kyle died while Drew was in route to come home. It was anything,  but relaxing. Kyle's death and been so hard as Chels said, "knocked the breathe out of us...and It still does. We want those kiddos of his to know Kyle and know that he loved them oh so much. 

As some people have said to us, this is truly a second honeymoon for us. We are not prefect and neither is our marriage. We have had our rough and stressful times. It makes us enjoy this good times that much more. 

We took a detour last night. We did not go to Minot. Instead, we camped out in Metigoshe State Park. We walked a trail and cooked hot dogs. We could have thrown a rock into Canada. 

Cooking hot dogs on a stick Drew found and widdled down.

We have made it to Canada!! 
Here are the two provinces we have gone through today. 

            The town of Moose Jaw

I was super excited about Moose Jaw. The hotel I had planned for us to stay in looked so cute from the pictures on the Internet. Oh how they tricked me!! We left there without even getting out of the car, found another hotel and told them what happened and they were very sweet to accommodate us.

We were planning on staying in Moose Jaw two nights. We changed that, the whole town just isn't as cute as it look on their city website. We are now staying in Banff for three nights... Such a hardship! 

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